Yeah Baby!

These are my cores and selfhoods. Are you ready?
(Preface: These are organized highest to lowest as well as I could organize them)


My cores are one-hundred percent me in the body, mind, and spirit. Cores are not seen as kins at this point, but rather just a part of me in my soul. For the no-doubles cores where exceptions are made, it's very case-by-case. Please DM me before requesting.

âœĻ Linie Gajarri âœĻ

Linie Gajarri

⛔ no doubles, no exceptions ⛔
Source: Radioactive
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Birthday: 7 July
Linie Gajarri (formerly known as Linnea Starron) was an old character I had created at age 11. She was made as a self-insert character and was the character I made my usernames off of. Over time I grew to genuinely relate to my character on a deeper level and she would develop alongside me.

🔧 Kazuichi Souda 🔧

Kazuichi Souda

❌ doubles not preferred, exceptions made ❌
Source: Danganronpa
Age: 16 / 20
Gender: Male
Birthday: 29 June
On a more literal level, Kazuichi and I relate on our passion for mechanics / mechanical engineering. However, over time I realized we had many more things in common and I felt some sort of spiritual connection to him. Over time I realized that I feel like him in the body, mind, and soul. He is me and I am him. The fact that we both suffer from anxiety and try to change ourselves to be less awkward and more appealing is something that resonates with me on such a deep level.

ðŸĪš Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader ðŸĪš

Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader

❌ doubles not preferred, exceptions made ❌
Source: Star Wars
Age: 20-23 (anakin shifts), 42-46 (vader shifts)
Gender: Male
Birthday: 19 April
These two tend to shift together, so I regard them as the same shift. It makes sense I guess, since they technically are the same person. I've had a really long shift with them so I've been able to discover just how deep this shift runs in me, which is pretty deep. I really do feel like once I realized I could never truly leave the Anakin/Vader shift that they were a core for me. Not only do we have somewhat similar appearance, but every time I see them on screen I feel like I'm living that moment then and there. What Anakin feels, what Vader feels, that's what I feel. It's more than just empathy.

💙 Austin Powers 💙

Linie Gajarri

ðŸ’Ķ doubles sexy ðŸ’Ķ
Source: Austin Powers
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Birthday: 2 May
When I thought I was trans FtM, I went by "Austin". As a joke I started calling myself Austin Powers, but over time it grew on me and I became very fond of the actual Austin Powers. In a more metaphysical sense I can relate to him, as bizarre as it sounds to kin with a parody character. Eventually I realized there was more bond than anticipated, which is when I decided to make him a core. I just feel like I can relate to a lot of the insecurities he has about pleasing his father, along with his sincerity to respect women under his horny-on-main mask. Deep down he's so much more than he lets on. He's a caring man, he's just not the best at getting that out because he wants to stay a people pleaser; I totally relate with that.

☄ïļ Giovanni Potage [non-core] ☄ïļ

Giovanni Potage

❌ doubles not preferred, exceptions made ❌
Source: Epithet Erased
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Birthday: ???
Giovanni is a weird kin for me. On one hand I feel weird classifying him as a core, but on the other hand he's definitely higher than a selfhood. Therefore, I decided to just slap him in between selfhood and core in his own rank. It's like I feel like he's me, not enough for a true core but more than a selfhood should have. I think I may just need more time with him, but for now let's just say it's complicated.


Selfhoods are the middle ground between core and ID. It's harder to tell if these are kin or just me, so the muddied ground is where selfhoods end up.

⚔ Imros Katard ⚔

Imros Katard

⛔ no doubles, no exceptions ⛔
Source: Star Wars
Age: 29
Gender: Agender (born female)
Birthday: 13 March
She's a self-insert. That's it. That's the explanation.

🎧 707 (Luciel Choi) 🎧

Luciel Choi

❌ doubles not preferred, exceptions made ❌
Source: Mystic Messenger
Age: 21/22
Gender: Male
Birthday: 11 June
At first I kinned Luciel as a less serious kin, but as time went on I started to grow a connection to this shift. It kept calling me back and I honestly feel like finding this part of my identity has been eye-opening. It's so weird how I've actually been connected to him for as long as I can remember, yet I was so blind to the idea.

ðŸŒą Seedos/Sidos Artiza ðŸŒą

Seedos Artiza

❌ doubles not preferred, exceptions made ❌
Source: Viva Pinata
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Birthday: 7 May
Seedos (formerly known as Sidos) and I have been connected for many years (probably about a decade almost?), but only now was I able to confirm this. I always related to the more literal sense of feeling weighed on by the pressure of my sense of prodigy and my overbearing elders. However, in a more spiritual sense I can relate to many aspects with Seedos. He's introverted and geeky and fixates intensely on one silly thing and that's exactly what I do too! I've been like this forever, it must mean something yeah?

🔆 Hajime Hinata 🔆

Hajime Hinata

ðŸ’Ķ doubles sexy ðŸ’Ķ
Source: Danganronpa
Age: 17 / 21
Gender: Male
Birthday: 1 January
Hajime was one of my older shifts and if I'm honest that's probably why he's so high up for me. Not only that, but the feeling of mediocrity really does follow me like it does Hajime, and like Hajime I had a point where I was so much more (for him it was Kamakura, for me it was my past self as well) but now I feel like I amount to nothing better than average. That's okay though, it's helpful to have this shift here with me.

🔌 Sheldon Oswald Lee 🔌

Sheldon Oswald Lee

ðŸ’Ļ doubles iffy ðŸ’Ļ
Source: MLaaTR
Age: 15-18
Gender: Male
Birthday: ???
I discovered how I was connected to Sheldon when joining a kin server for cancelled cartoons, and the topic of MLaaTR was there. As a kid, frankly, I did not think twice about Sheldon. However, looking into his Wiki page (along with watching Sheldon-centric episodes) gave me that Spark and suddenly I found myself in his shoes. He kinda scares me into thinking my kintype is incel, but I can connect to how he's so obsessively in love with people and how passionate he is about his hobbies. Plus we're both superb swimmers. Neat!

🏀 Kisumi Shigino 🏀

Kisumi Shigino

ðŸ’Ļ doubles iffy ðŸ’Ļ
Source: Free!
Age: 17-18
Gender: Male
Birthday: 26 May
Like Kisumi, I always mean well in my friend groups even if I am seen as a bit of an outsider by others. I care about my childhood friends with a passion, and same with my younger sibling! This is definitely a kinshift for when I'm thinking about my little sister. Just like Kisumi, I take on a supportive big sibling role and would do anything to see my little one succeed at whatever they put their heart too. Also I like basketball, it's fun.

🧠 Dib Membrane 🧠

Dib Membrane

✅ doubles okay ✅
Source: Invader Zim
Age: 12-16 (depends)
Gender: Agender (born male)
Birthday: ???
Like Dib, I'm a huge nerd that's obsessed with the supernatural/paranormal despite nobody believing me. Sure, I don't have as much proof as Dib ever would, but I can still feel the same pain as when people blatantly deny the work done to get the proof, calling it coincidence and being called childish for it. We both also need glasses because we're blind as shit. Neat!

ðŸ’ŧ Brief Rock ðŸ’ŧ

Brief Rock

ðŸ’Ļ doubles iffy ðŸ’Ļ
Source: Panty and Stocking
Age: 17-18
Gender: Male
Birthday: ???
My kintype is just nerdy kids who get picked on by everyone and you guys know it--- but seriously, that's my main reasoning. Absolute video game geek who's shy and terrible at socialization??? Sign me the hell up! I don't really know how else to describe it because it's been forever since I've consumed the source, but I can feel him in my soul.

📚 Double D (Edd) 📚

Double D

ðŸ’Ļ doubles iffy ðŸ’Ļ
Source: Ed Edd n Eddy
Age: 13-14
Gender: Male
Birthday: ???
Okay, this one I definitely felt as a child. Whether it's his need to organize everything neatly, or his nerdy demeanor, or how anxious and fidgety he is, I always could see myself in Edd. It somewhat grew as I got older, especially after everything that happened throughout my life. I see myself somewhat as the voice of reason in friend groups, despite sometimes wanting to partake in impulsive actions myself.

ðŸ“Ŋ Jon Arbuckle ðŸ“Ŋ

ðŸ’Ļ doubles iffy ðŸ’Ļ
Source: Garfield
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Birthday: 28 July
This initially felt like an absolute joke to me, the thought of kinning some borderline incel who has no sense in fashion and has a hopeless love life, but here I am! All of those traits really do apply to me, but also there is more to it. Jon is passionate about his weird hobbies, even if they're hobbies that people would typically belittle, and I can absolutely feel that. He has a mediocre talent for music and really loves his two pets, and so do I!

IDs and Below

For the full sexy list, PLEASE click below! I have so many kins that Carrd yelled at me and said I ran out of bloody assets 8(

Full Kin List

(Warning: I have a fuck ton of kins. You'll probably want to look but if not I get it.)